Efficient Forms: Step by step on-boarding
Efficient Forms: Step by step on-boarding
We recommend that you use Google Chrome for onboarding.
I tried to create as many videos as possible to save you time on what you might have questions on rather than making a long video on how to complete on-boarding. These steps must be followed as they are presented. If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an E-Mail to helpdesk@exactstaff.com
- The steps below are in a very specific order, and you are not to change the order of these steps during the interview process.
- You cannot combine any of these steps and MUST follow them in their step by step order.
Do not send the i9 until after the interview has been completed and you have determine that you are hiring this associate, please follow the order of these steps.
Minimum Requirements for the associate.
Computer, Tablet, or Cell Phone
Internet access
- E-Mail Address
STEP 1: Online Application
The associate must complete our online application by going to https://application.exactstaff.com
NOTE: This is required to be completed by all employees because the options to add a profile on eEmpACT manually will soon be disabled.
STEP 2: Employee in the office
When the employee comes into the office, you need ask them if they brought all the document for the interview such as but not limited to certifications, such as (forklift), resume if they have one, and the right to work in the USA.
NOTE: Do not ask to see the documents at this time, this should be done during and after the interview, this also means you are not to make copies of the documents above until after the employee is interviewed and you are going to hire the employee.
STEP 3: How to find and merge someone from eApprovals.
Since all of our employee as to complete our online application, we need to make sure we up
STEP 4: How to verify/change the selected branch on eEmpACT
Before sending the on-boarding request, we need to make sure the employee has selected the correct branch on his application if the associate did not see below on how to view or edit this portion.
NOTE: If you do not do this, you will not have access to the employee when the profile is created on the on-boarding system.
STEP 5: How to verify/edit and associate's E-Mail on eEmpACT.
Verify that your associate has an e-mail address on eEmpACT if it is missing, please add it.
If your associate does not have an E-Mail address, we suggest creating one with Google as it is simple.
NOTE: The on-boarding system requires this and under no circumstance should you use your E-Mail to bypass this requirement.
STEP 6: How to initiate the on-boarding request
Once you have verified the E-Mail address, the next step will be to send the welcome letter & the registration E-Mail for on-boarding which will include our pre-Interview package. If you made changes to the employee profile on eEmpACT, you need to make sure these changes must be saved before sending the on-boarding request.
NOTE: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE should you use the submit file more then once. You also need to explain that they will get two emails a welcome letter from econnect & one from efficient form, below is the information you will need to identify both E-mails.
Efficient Forms Sender: econnect@exactstaff.com
Subject: Action Required: Welcome
Efficient Forms Sender: system@efficientforms.com
Subject: Action Required: Complete your registration with Exact Staff
STEP 7: How to verify that the first step is complete and how to approve it.
When the employee completes their on-boarding registration & the "application" request which is known to us as the pre-interview package on the on-boarding system you need to verify that the request is in fact completed and then you need to approve that request. You need to start by login to your admin portal. Once you are logged in, you need to look for the employee and go to their request to verify the completion and approve it.
NOTE: The on-boarding system will automatically send this request, meaning you do not send the request "application" which is what we know was our pre-interview package on the on-boarding system.
STEP 8: Interview
Once you have approved the application which is known to us as our pre-interview package, you need to interview the employee.
During the interview, you need to do the following and only the following, see the list below. Once you have completed the list below on eEmpACT you need to determine if you will be moving forward with the employee and if you are not moving forward you can send the employee home and let him know we will contact him when we find an assignment or whatever it is that you tell an employee when you do not want to use them and let you branch manager or area manager to inactive the employee and note the system the reason why you will not be moving forward.
NOTE: We are not taking any copies of their documents to prove the right to work in the United States of America if we are not going to use the employee as we will not need that information.
Interview the employee.
Make sure you review the previous employment history on eEmpACT.
Make sure you review the education history of the employee on eEmpACT.
Add any skill code the employee forgot to add during his application on eEmpACT.
Complete the interview summary on eEmpACT.
If you are doing a proveit test, you need to record the score on the Test Scores option on eEmpACT.
STEP 9: Post Interview steps.
Now that we know you have intentions of offering employment to this associate. You first need to determine what type of employee this associate is, Industrial or Clerical. When that is determined, we will assign the associate to its corresponding work type. We also need to give him any paper document that maybe need for example, we are still using the WOTC: 8850 form in paper format. You also need to remember that even though the safety videos are on the on-boarding system, the paper test still needs to be provided to the employee. You also need to ask the employee if they are going to use there own payment method or money network, if they are using there own they need to have that ready with them otherwise you need to provide them a money network as the system will ask for their payroll information. At this time you will take copies of their ID's since you are now moving to the second step of electronic on-boarding.
NOTE: The paper documents mention in this step are not the client documents and these documents may not apply to out of state offices. It is also important that you show the employees using money network cards where the account number is located because if they enter anything other then the account number they will not get paid.
Use the following link to see the instructions on what to do if the employee forgot his pin or password.
STEP 10: How to send the on-boarding request
Then we need to send an on-boarding request which included all the state and federal document that the employee needs to complete for your location.
NOTE: If you select the wrong location, you will lose access to the employee so you need to make sure you are choosing the correct location.
STEP 11: How to review the on-boarding request.
Now that the employee claims he completed the on-boarding request we need to make sure that he did, and the way to do that is to make sure the employee on-boarding request is pending for manager approval and not incomplete or waiting for employee to e-sign because if that is the case the employee needs to log back into the on-boarding system and complete the request before you can move forward.
You need to review the following steps of the employee on-boarding request.
2) Personal Info: you need to review this step to ensure the employee entered their correct date of birth and their correct social security number, you can confirm this using the copy of the documents you have now made.
5) Direct Deposit: you need to review this step to ensure the employee has entered their correct direct deposit information. If they are using a money network, please make sure they enter the account number and nothing else.
8) Additional Questions: in this section, the employee will be asked if they want to enroll to medical coverage, and a step later it will ask them for the reason that they are declining coverage and if they are they need to state that they will be enrolling. A lot of employees do not read what is being asked so we need to make sure their response for this section actually makes sense as the data collected will fill out the form that you need to send to wallyn@exactstaff.com
10) Withholding: You need to review this section with the employee as it will determine their withholding once they start to get paid.
NOTE: If you allow the employee to leave your office before you review the on-boarding request you will need to have the employee come back if anything needs to be changed so it CRITICAL that you complete the review before sending the employee home. Once you have reviewed the employee on-boarding request and if there are changes that need to be made by the employee do not forget to un-sign and review the request again when the changes have been made.
STEP 12: How to approve the employee on-boarding request.
Now that you have reviewed the employee on-boarding request we need to approve it.
NOTE: Do not approve this request until you are sure all the sections that need to be review are correct. You also need to make sure you enter your name on the supervisor name and not enter someone else name.
STEP 13: How to approve the i-9 request.
Once you are done reviewing the employee onboarding request with the employee we need to complete the i-9 request. If you do not have any client document for the employee to complete at this time you can let him go now.
NOTE: If you add the E-Verify ID to the I9 it does NOT mean you do not have to attach the E-Verify document to eEmpACT. You also need to remember that if you are not doing client document at this time you need to make sure it gets done when applicable.
STEP 14: How to export files to send to our teams.
Now that the employee has completed all 3 requests required by Exact Staff and potentially client documents we will discuss how to get documents of the onboarding system and what to do with the paper documents.
Paper Documents: As you know there is a few document that are still completed in a paper document. I have listed the paper documents below and what needs to happen next.
Safety Video Test: For the safety video test which must be given to the employee during the time you are conducting the interview (after the first part of the onboarding has been completed and before the final part of the onboarding is sent. This paper document needs to be scanned and attached in eEmpACT as it is one of the compliance documents (after you attache the form you need to shred it)
Client Documents: If your office has any client specific documents, these are all not part of the onboarding system. As discussed during training the client specific forms are on the email sent to you with your login information. These document have to be attached in eEmpact once they are completed. Please remember some documents are part of onboarding and some ARE paper documents. If your client has documents that must be done on paper. Make sure you do the remaining documents through onboarding. If you have any questions about client specific documents and how they are to be processed for onboarding please send an email to helpdesk@exactstaff.com
Documents on efficient forms.: How to export documents that are on efficient forms and in our onboarding system. (if you have any questions about what documents you need to take out of the onboarding system please contact your area manager). NOTE: The forms listed below are subject to change depending on new laws or company policies).
Background Check Form: This form does not need to be exported efficient forms. You need to verify everything has been approved on efficient forms. After the forms are approved, it will take about 20 minutes for the documents to feed back to eEmpACT. Once they are in eEmpact, please email Lee Pollero: lpollero@exactstaff.com YOU MUST let him know the employee's full name, what client he will be working for, and include in your email, "(name of the person) has been processed through electronic onboarding.
Wage Assignment Form: CALIFORNIA ONLY - please make sure to export this from the application request on the onboarding system in eEmpact.
See the below example on how to export documents, you must use Chrome. it loads faster and you will be able to export in a PDF format (individual documents).
Thank you, if you have any issues or questions please contact us by sending an E-Mail to helpdesk@exactstaff.com